
None, [玉山最低比價網] 現貨供應 BRITA 新款 濾水壺濾心/濾芯3入 圓形濾心(和舊款相容)。在樂天市場的玉山最低比價網有最棒的商品,是您省錢的最佳選擇。

[玉山最低比價網] 現貨供應 BRITA 新款 濾水壺濾心/濾芯3入 圓形濾心(和舊款相容)




Product Information
Compatible with all Brita pitchers, this filter eliminates 99% of lead, reduces chlorine, bad tastes and odors.
Featuring a unique design that reduces the potentially harmful impurities and unpleasant flavors found in tap water, these filters offer you great-tasting water with every glass.
And they are recyclable, so you support the environment by cutting down on bottled water waste.
Size: 3 Pack
Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 5.4 x 2.4 inches ; 14.1 ounces
Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces
ASIN: B00004SU18
Item model number: 35503


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[玉山最低比價網] 現貨供應 BRITA 新款 濾水壺濾心/濾芯3入 圓形濾心(和舊款相容)

出自:線上購物分享 - [玉山最低比價網] 現貨供應 BRITA 新款 濾水壺濾心/濾芯3入 圓形濾心(和舊款相容)
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